Find out what's happening in the parish this Fall.
In this issue
New Office Hours
Young Adult's Sports Nights
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Youth Ministry
Father Bryan Celebration
Safe Heaven
Carney Garage Sale
New Office Hours
The office will now be open on Tuesday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Women's Alpha
Ladies, are you interested in participating in an All Women's Alpha program?
Join us on Friday mornings at 10 AM via Zoom starting Oct. 15th. You are welcome to bring a friend and join us for Alpha videos and small group discussions.
For more information or to register, please email Sandy
Young Adults
We are so excited that Sports Night is back every Sunday! Join us for our first Sports night this Sunday, September 26 from 8-11 pm! Contact Rudy for more info!
Vaccine Passports and Face Masks are required to enter the gym!
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Liturgy of the Word for Children has started! It is a chance to let the small children hear and learn about the Word in children’s language. They learn prayers, songs, and responses at Mass.
Welcome all young families, and we hope that you will consider helping out. We provide training for volunteers.
Youth Ministry just had their first Alpha session last Sunday, and the Lord exceeded our expectations! On Friday, we had 23 people, but by Sunday afternoon, we had 36 people registered! After the initial wave of stress hit me, I was reminded of Luke 5:1-11
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
Often I feel like I need to work all night, only to catch no fish. But Sunday was a great reminder that the Holy Spirit wants to break our nets. All we have to do is cast them.
Father Bryan's 10-year Anniversary
Fr. Bryan celebrated his 10th year as a Priest this past Sunday! Additionally, he also recently just finished his Ph.D. The Parish celebrated these milestones last Sunday with a cake after Mass. Please enjoy these photos from the event!
Safe Haven Sunday
On October 2-3, the Archdiocese of Vancouver will celebrate Safe Haven Sunday. This awareness day will provide access to practical resources that any caring adult can use to protect themselves and our young people from online risks.
Carney Garage Sale
Archbishop Carney high school is seeking donations of gently loved household items, tools, books, toys, clothing, sports and recreational items, entertainment, decorations and furniture for their October 23 Garage Sale. You can drop off your items at the school (1335 Dominion Ave, PoCo.) on Saturdays from Sept 18 – Oct 16, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
To enquire about limited free pick up, email
🕊️😍Format of Parish News is precise, informative and well laid out!