Find out what's been going on in the Parish
In this issue
The Rite of Election
Parish Lenten Retreat
The Rite of Election
On Sunday, February 26th, the RCIA team members and participants from All Saints Parish came together with other parishes from the archdiocese to celebrate the Rite of Election Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral. This significant ritual marks the catechumens' entry into the final phase of their preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. Archbishop Miller presided over the Mass and welcomed the catechumens personally. Please join us in praying for our newly Elect, Veronica and Klaus as well as our Candidates, Marco and Alivia.
Parish Lenten Retreat
The Parish Lenten retreat was beautiful! The speakers, the silent prayer time, enhanced by the praise and worship music made it a fulfilling experience.
Thank you Joseph San Jose for lifting us up with your talk and group discussion and to Dc. Medard for sharing your testimony and teaching us a new way to pray with scripture.
Last but not least to our amazing praise and worship leaders, Johnathan and Nikka. God was at work.