Read this week's message from Father Don.
Dear Friends
This will be the last Parish News until late August. During the summer, important messages will be sent to you through FlockNote.
The big news for today…. At the end of summer, Deacon Greg and Ivy will be moving to Calgary to join their children LaRainne and Gregory and their five grandchildren. After living for 30 years in Lower Mainland this will be an enormous change for the Barcelon family so please pray for them.
For the past 13 years, Greg and Ivy have been the backbone of All Saints Parish. Together they have organized or been involved with 2/3 of the initiatives in the parish, including: Adult and Young Family faith formation; PREP and the sacramental programs; Social activities; Charitable outreach; Devotions, novenas, and special activities at mass; Preaching and teaching; Discipleship Groups; Parish Leadership Team; Live-streaming; Healing Prayers and so many other things.
At their farewell celebration in August there will be an opportunity to properly thank Greg and Ivy for their tireless work at All Saints Parish. For now I will simply say “Thank you, Greg and Ivy, for your enormous contribution to the growth of our parish.”
What does this mean for the parish? If All Saints is going to thrive after the departure of the Barcelons, the parishioners will need to “step up the plate.” Parishioners will need to assume responsibility for many parish initiatives presently led by Ivy and Deacon Greg.
Parish volunteers will have to organize our social events, ensure the continuation of charitable outreach, become actively involved with special activities at Sunday mass, support the faith formation of young families and so much more.
All Saints is a good parish but it needs a lot more parishioners to become actively involved with its works and outreach. Over the summer, I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can become part of the ongoing growth of All Saints Parish.
Father Don