Read this week's message from Father Don
Dear parishioners
During Lent Catholics make a special effort to grow in their faith through additional spiritual exercises. Here are three spiritual activities the parish is offering during Lent:
Lenten Fridays
The Stations of the Cross will be held at 7 pm on the six Fridays of Lent, beginning February 16. Some weeks we will use traditional prayers for the Stations, accompanied by mass. Other weeks, we will project the prayers on the screen accompanied by images, video clips, and singing. The changing formats will allow us to reflect deeply on the various aspects of the mystery of Christ’s passion.
Home-based sharing groups
During Lent, meet three times with a group of six parishioners for reflection and personal sharing. Discussion materials will be provided. You can organize your own group or sign up for a group after mass on February 17-18. Group leaders should contact Lorraine at to receive the discussion sheets.
Flocknote weekly spiritual messages
On February 8 you will receive an email inviting you to sign up for weekly on-line Lenten messages. Starting on Ash Wednesday, those who have signed up will be sent a short weekly video to guide their Lenten reflections. Watching the ten videos will be like attending a Lenten retreat in your own home.
Remember: Lent begins on Ash Wednesday February 14. Mass will be celebrated in the parish at 9 am and 7 pm, and at 11 am in Archbishop Carney High School.