Read this week's message from Father Don
Dear parishioners
JOINING A SMALL SHARING GROUP is a wonderful way to grow in your faith. This Lent the parish is organizing three-session home-based groups based on the themes of prayer, fasting and alms giving.
Before COVID the parish offered three-session sharing groups in Advent, Lent, and sometimes even Easter. The participants were enthusiastic as you can see from the following comments…
I was very pleased to have been a part of this group as it led me to get to know Jesus on a more personal and deeper level. I loved the small, intimate group where we could share openly without feeling judged. I feel a greater connection to my fellow parishioners.
While the faith sharing group was only three sessions, I got to know my group members much better and draw closer to them in faith as we spoke about challenges we face and things we hope to achieve. I was eager to attend each session and to engage with our group.
Our Catholic faith must become personal if it is to make a real impact upon our lives. Sharing groups allow us to talk openly about our faith experience e.g., how we pray, what the Eucharist means to us, which verses of scripture touch our hearts. The groups also allow us to share the joys and struggles of daily life with a supportive group of Catholic friends.
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THIS LENT why don’t you organize your own small sharing group or sign up to join a group after mass on February 17-18. I highly recommend it.