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In this issue
The Rescue Project & Alpha
The Rescue Project and Alpha
The Rescue Project and Alpha came to a close a couple of weeks ago
Alpha was enjoyable and created a space where new friendships were made. Most of our Alpha participants are now in RCIA. Please keep the RCIA candidates in your prayers as they journey through the sessions and learn about the Catholic Church, our faith and a God who loves them.
The Rescue Project (TRP)
TRP was an experience of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer. The experience was imbued with authentic friendship and accompaniment.
Here are a few testimonies from TRP Participants.
It’s given me a deeper understanding of what it means that Jesus had rescued me personally. - Anonymous
It has increased my faith in God - Anonymous
It made me more aware of the many ways the enemy is working in my life and all the ways God is fighting to save me. - Anonymous
I realize that I can tell or demonstrate to others how God is impacting my life without it being a big scary production. God can work in small ways too if I ask for it. - Anonymous
If you missed TRP in the fall, look out for information when we offer it again in the Spring.