Read this week's message from Father Don
Dear parishioners,
Here is a beautiful Advent verse from the prophet Isaiah: O, Lord, that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence. This is a wonderful message for our age of church renewal: Lord, tear open the heavens. Come down and do something big in the world and in our lives!
At Christmas God came down from the heavens and did something totally unexpected and extraordinary, he became one of us. The revolutionary nature of the Incarnation set the pattern for the lives of Jesus’ followers. We too are to experience extraordinary personal transformation through the working of the Holy Spirit. Our spiritual lives are to be dynamic and influential, not a dull routine of external practices.
Our parish, likewise, is to to be characterized by powerful transformation in Christ. It is to be a community in which the members give more than they receive, imitating the One who came not to be served but to serve. That is what a renewed parish should look like. In all honesty, All Saints has quite a ways to go before it reaches that exalted condition.
This Advent let us ask God to come down with power and do something exciting in our lives and in our parish.
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Your Christmas gift from the parish…
To assist you with your spiritual growth the parish has renewed its subscription to FORMED, a wonderful app that offers a vast collection of on-line faith formation resources.
To sign up for FORMED
Go to:
Under Create a New Account, type “All Saints Parish” then click on our parish (821 Fairfax Street, Coquitlam)
On the next page type in your name and your email address, then click SIGN UP.
Once you are in, check out these Advent programs: