Find out what's happing around the Archdiocese
Beginning Catechists Training
Mary & The Eucharist : Women's Conference
Retrouvaille Weekend - Marriage Help
Beginning Catechists Training
All new catechists for PREP (from 2023 to present) are invited to explore the noble vocation of the catechist and learn the basic methods and tools that every catechist needs to share the faith with children.
Topics covered include the spirituality of the catechist, lesson planning, effective catechetical methodology and activities, creating and leading prayer services for catechesis, basic classroom management, learning styles and children’s stages of development.
On Saturday, August 31, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We will begin with Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Vancouver and then proceed to the John Paul II Pastoral Centre, located a block away from the church, for the remainder of the event.
Event cost is $10, which includes materials and snacks. Please bring your own lunch. Learn more and register at
Mary and The Eucharist: Women’s Conference
All ladies are welcome to join us for a Healing Mass, followed by conference talks by three keynote speakers: Kathleen Beckman, Andi Oney, and Annie Karto.
These Sisters in Christ are very dynamic and highly sought after for their talks, which encourage women to live their faith with a special devotion to Our Lady and the Eucharist.
Friday, August 23, 7:00 p.m.Mass will be celebrated by Father Jarek Dziuba, SDS, and Father Zachary of the Mother of God, Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), followed by healing prayers.
Saturday, August 24, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; 7:00 p.m.Conference talks, followed by a concert by Annie Karto at 7:00 p.m.
Event cost is $60 per person (or $50 for members of Catholic Women's League and Legion of Mary).
For tickets, please e-transfer to For more information, please call Ethelyn David at (604) 889-3842.
Retrouvaille Weekend - Marriage Help
Need Marriage Help? Why live in unhappiness or misery? You can revive your relationship!
Retrouvaille is an effective, affordable marriage program consisting of an in-person weekend retreat and 12 virtual or live weekly Sunday afternoon follow-up sessions.
Tens of thousands of couples have been helped to recover from all kinds of marriage crises! Open to couples of all faiths, or no faith.
For confidential information or to register for the fall program commencing the weekend of October 18 - 20, 2024 near Vancouver, email, call 604-530-6710, or visit