Read this week's message from Father Don.
Dear friends,
This will be Deacon Greg and Ivy’s last weekend at All Saints. How can we thank them enough for all they have contributed to the life of our community!
For the past 13 years, Greg and Ivy have been the backbone of All Saints Parish. They have organized or been involved with 2/3 of the parish initiatives, including Adult and Young Family faith formation; PREP and the sacramental programs; Social activities; Charitable outreach; Devotions, novenas, and special activities at mass; Preaching and teaching; Discipleship Groups; Parish Leadership Team; Live-streaming; Healing Prayers and so many other things.
Once, when I asked Ivy to focus her energies on fewer projects, she simply replied, “When we see something that needs to be done, we do it.” How true that is. No sooner was a new initiative proposed than Ivy or Greg was sending me a detailed implementation plan. They recruited, trained, supervised and worked side-by-side with the workers until the job was done. Never, in all the parishes in which I served, have I encountered such dedicated, talented and spiritually mature parish helpers.
Moving to Calgary, after living in the Lower Mainland for the past 30 years, will be an enormous change for Greg and Ivy so let us remember to pray for them, that they settle in comfortably and are able to continue their pastoral work in Alberta. Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go on to the neighbouring towns so that I may proclaim the message there also, for that is what I came out to do. (Mark 1.38)”
Greg and Ivy, thank you for all you have done to build up and give new life to All Saints Parish. You will be sorely missed.
Father Don