Find out what's happening in the Parish this week.
In this issue
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Second Collection: Work of Vocations
Week of Eucharistic Adoration for Priestly Vocations
Personal Prayer Time Workshop
All Saints Parish Youth Ministry
Sunday, April 30 at 4:45 pm
Come to an evening of games and sports, food and fellowship! All teens in grades 6-12 are welcome – remember to bring a friend!
Second Collection: Work of Vocations
Sunday, April 30
The second collection on Good Shepherd Sunday will support priestly vocations in our Archdiocese. It funds the discernment, formation and education of our seminarians, ensuring that they receive the preparation necessary for them to be good shepherds who are effective in their priestly ministry.
Week of Eucharistic Adoration for Priestly Vocations
Tuesday, May 2 - Saturday, May 6
The Church needs priests, so let us pray that young men will be given the courage to respond to Jesus’ invitation.
This week throughout the archdiocese, parishes will offer eucharistic adoration to pray for priestly vocations. At All Saints, adoration will be held at the following times:
Personal Prayer Time Workshop
Tuesday, May 16, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Have you ever struggled to pray or pray consistently? Have you ever wondered how I can hear God's voice when I pray? Have you ever wondered how I even begin to have a prayer life? Or do I even need to pray? Prayer can be a battle.
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, come and attend a "hands-on" workshop where you will learn to conquer the prayer battle.
All Saints is offering a workshop "How to have a Personal Prayer Time" hosted by CCO Missionary Megan Andres. Please bring your Bible, a journal and a pen. Refreshments will be provided.